What Do Allergy Eyes Look Like?

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A surprisingly sizable portion of people in the United States suffers from seasonal allergies. Of these 50 million children and adults, most are plagued by the common symptoms, including sneezing, a runny nose, itchiness, and ocular conditions. This allergic conjunctivitis will strike many allergy sufferers, potentially making life miserable and keeping you cooped up inside or constantly battling the unpleasant symptoms as you try to go about your day.

But you’re not alone because we’re here to devise the most effective treatment plan for you. So, contact us today at inVision Ophthalmology Tuscaloosa in Tuscaloosa, AL.

What do allergy eyes look like?

While it may be different for everybody and patient-dependent, allergy eyes have certain common traits. These may include excessive tearing or watering, as well as redness and overall inflammation, possibly with a burning sensation. Furthermore, many will also experience puffy or swollen eyelids.

Fortunately, there are many treatment options available. One treatment avenue involves a medicinal intervention in the form of substances added to the eye. We can help select the most efficient for you based on your unique needs, ocular status, and lifestyle factors. One possible strategy to decrease discomfort is to use artificial tears. Artificial tears can reduce the itchiness and inflammation and also clean the eye, washing away irritating agents that may have lodged themselves on the ocular surface.

Why are eye drops (artificial tears) an effective treatment?

There is also an assortment of eye drops that may prove useful, helping to dispel the symptoms of allergies right at the source. We may also recommend an OTC antihistamine or other allergy medication, though it’s best to seek a professional opinion rather than grab a random product from the shelf.

These items work by blocking histamine, the antagonist in allergic symptoms. When one comes in contact with a certain substance, even a harmless one like pollen or dust or something similarly tiny and benign, the body may perceive it as a threat. In response, it releases histamine, which triggers allergic reactions.

These reactions may seem annoying, yet they provide a potentially invaluable service. They help the body rid itself of the irritating substance – which is why allergies include reactions, like sneezing or tearing, to expel the irritant from the respiratory system, eyes, or elsewhere.

Lifestyle changes may also help reduce the severity and frequency of allergies

Additionally, a number of lifestyle factors can significantly impact the severity and frequency of ocular unpleasantness and other allergy-mediated malaise. First, be sure to keep your eyes clean. Washing your face may help, as will being vigilant about introducing any foreign object to the eye. You can help avoid this scenario by not rubbing your eyes.

Ventilation is essential to keep a hygienic environment, though it’s recommended you avoid air blowing directly into the eyes, as this could cause dryness and increased discomfort. Contact lenses may similarly afflict people with allergic conjunctivitis, in which case it may be beneficial to (at least temporarily) switch to glasses.

And if you spend a lot of time in front of screens, either for leisure or work, it may be beneficial to take frequent breaks to rest your eyes. And when facing discomfort, applying a cold or warm compress to the eyes could reduce the severity.

Find eye allergy relief in Tuscaloosa, AL

Relief is attainable and nearby, thanks to our eye experts at inVision Ophthalmology Tuscaloosa. We’ve helped many patients manage their allergies, and we’d love to help you, too. And just imagine how much more you’ll enjoy life and all the things you love doing without the burden and exasperation of eye allergies. Contact us today to set up an appointment in Tuscaloosa, AL.

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