Fast Facts You Need to Know About Glaucoma

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Glaucoma encompasses various conditions that can lead to vision loss by damaging the essential optic nerve that transmits visual impulses to the brain. It mainly occurs in older individuals and can do so without showing obvious signs. As such, it's critical to schedule routine eye exams to detect this disorder as soon as possible.

With timely intervention, you can protect your sight and eye health. And our expert team is here to help you do just that, so contact us today at inVision Ophthalmology Tuscaloosa to set up an appointment in Tuscaloosa, AL.

Fast facts you need to know about glaucoma

1) Glaucoma is not a single condition but multiple disorders that produce the same effect: stealing an individual's eyesight by causing damage to the optic nerve. When light enters the eye, it passes to the retina, which detects the light with photoreceptive cells.

This incoming light is then turned into an electrical signal, which is carried to the brain by the optic nerve to produce a visual representation of whatever you are viewing. If the optic nerve is harmed, it cannot properly convey electrical signals to the brain.

2) The majority of glaucoma cases are caused by increased pressure within the eye. The elevated pressure is due to the build-up of fluid, which is normally cycled through the trabecular meshwork, your eye's natural drainage system. Should this drainage network face a blockage, fluid cannot correctly disperse, and pressure increases, destroying the optic nerve.

3) There are approximately 3 million Americans and 80 million individuals worldwide with glaucoma. In the United States, that figure will double by 2050. Sadly, many of these people, potentially about half, do not even know they have it. This is one of glaucoma's most dangerous characteristics and makes this a potentially devastating visual illness. It is one of the world's leading causes of blindness.

4) The above-mentioned statistics describe why glaucoma is often called "the silent thief of sight." Since it generally progresses without signs or symptoms, many people do not seek the professional help they need to maintain their eye health.

Glaucoma typically advances by causing blind spots in the peripheral vision, then gradually obscuring more and more of one's visual field moving toward the center. Other symptoms of developing glaucoma include blurred vision, eye redness, and tension headaches. Later on, glare, nausea, and persisting eye discomfort may manifest.

5) Glaucoma is incurable. But this doesn't mean you have to suffer a negative outcome. With the benefit of modern diagnostics and techniques, very few people lose their vision. Therefore, it's of the utmost importance to schedule regular eye exams. Our experienced ophthalmologists in Tuscaloosa can help you maintain your ocular health and protect as much of your sight as possible.

One potential course of treatment is minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS). These laser-based procedures make tiny incisions in the ocular tissues to facilitate fluid draining and decrease intraocular pressure, helping to protect the optic nerve. MIGS surgeries are virtually painless and only take about 10 – 20 minutes per eye.

6) Fortunately, testing for glaucoma is easy and shouldn't cause you pain or discomfort. It's called the dilated eye exam, and here's how we do it: we simply apply special eye drops that cause dilation (widening) of the pupil, and then we use a special magnifying tool to examine the back of your eye for any damage.

Fight back against glaucoma by contacting us today

Glaucoma is a serious concern. It's vital to seek prompt treatment, but it doesn't mean you have to resign yourself to vision loss. Our team at inVision Ophthalmology Tuscaloosa is here for your present and future eye health.

We've helped many previous patients maintain their glaucoma, and we're thrilled to do so for you as well. And you can guard your vision and ocular wellness by reaching out to us as soon as possible in Tuscaloosa, AL.

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